I had finally made the switch, from Canon to Sony, from DSLR to Mirrorless, from crop sensor to full frame, and yes, finally I had all of my gear in hand and ready to go..with nothing to shoot. Yup, typical, isn’t that how it always works? You get that new piece of gear and then don’t know were to go and test it, now imagine an entire new camera setup with multiple lenses, I was just itching to get out and give it a go. So, that’s what we did. We got in the car (my wife and son) and drove down a few freeway exits to check out the Hoyt Arboretum to get in a nice walk in nature and to give me a chance to play with my new camera. The day was mostly filled with me fiddling with settings and tying to really familiarize myself with the big change of switching brands and type of camera but I did get a chance to take a few photos that ended up being keepers. The photo below caught my eye as there seemed to be a random bench in the middle of a forest off of a shinny path with no real purpose (everything was labeled, had signs, explanations, history and so on and this bench was just solo).
The photo that would end up being known as “The Angry Tree” which would go on to be one of my most viewed photos that I have shot on my Sony so far almost didn’t happen. The difficulty with trying to shoot during a family outing is that you are still trying to interact with your family and respond to, chase and help a two year old full of energy. At this point my son got muddy, super cranky and for whatever reason just didn’t want to be there anymore, so I knew it was time to go home. As we were wrapping it up and heading back to the car my wife points and says “wow look at that angry looking tree”. I had totally missed it until she pointed it out, I then took a few minutes to shoot it and was extremely happy with the results. Till next time…